All Products in TUN WTO 所有 TUN WTO 產品
指示和規則 Instruction and Rules:
- 您可以通過點擊左箭頭查看產品詳細信息和qrcode You can see product detail and qrcode by clicking on the left arrow
- 然後使用您的TUN ATM手機應用程序掃描產品條形碼,以支付一半的金額用電子美元 Then use your TUN ATM phone app to scan product bar code to pay for half of the amount in digital US dollar
- *** Please Note: Except Gold Ball purchased, user has to pay 8000 ATM money in full 請注意: 除了購買金球, 使用者必須全額支付 8000 電子美元錢 ****
- 當產品到達你家時,你必須以現金支付台灣的另一半錢 When product arrives to your house, you have to pay the other half in taiwan money in cash
- 如果您故意定貨拒絕了三次交易,那麼我們將永久取消您的TUN-ATM卡 If you have intentionally refused to payafter three transactions, we will permanently cancel your TUN-ATM card